Saturday, January 21, 2012

What a difference a year makes

January 2011 - my son Mitch and I at the annual Ukrainian buffet

December 2011

Today is officially one year since I joined Weight Watchers.  55 lbs down.  When you do the math it's just over 1 lb a week.  Do I wish it was more?  Hell yes!  But I am very happy with 55 lbs.  I don't want it back for a second!  Now to get to goal!!


Shelley said...

Wow Kim, you look fantastic!!! And hey, you are living proof that losing an average of a pound a week makes a huge difference!!!

Nancy said...

You do look so amazing Kim, and so dramatically different from last year. What a difference a year makes indeed. We are all changing and growing and evolving every day that we are on this earth--and that can either be in a positive direction or a negative one. For you, you felt the desire to move into health and vitality and that meant getting control of your eating. It truly is a way of life isn't it.
2 years ago I joined WW as well. I have now maintained my loss of 42 pounds for nearly a year. It is not always easy, but it's actually never that hard. And the way a lean body works and feels is worth every effort getting there.
Hang in there for these next few pounds. Maintenance is the greatest!
Proud of you little (!!) sis.

Kim A said...

Thank you, thank you!!

Chubby McGee said...


You look amazing. I love this post!!!!